Soul Sister Coaching

Are you ready to find the Magic in your life?

You can change your life with one different choice.  If you’re not sure what that choice is, book a FREE Clarity Call.  In this call we will do just that – find clarity on what your next step is.

How I discovered my inner wisdom

When my son was diagnosed with Autism and a feeding disorder in 2005, I was unsatisfied by Western medical solutions and took a deep dive into traditional, holistic wellness to help him. That led me to  alternative health and then spiritual practices to help him, but it mostly helped myself to become a more calm and grounded mother.

Through the years, I have studied with many spiritual teachers. Learning about the science of the Law of Attraction at a deep level has allowed me to manifest amazing things in my life as well. Using my acquired wisdom I navigated an unexpected divorce and peaceful co-parenting situation, got out of debt and found a new partner to share my life with.

I use the many spiritual tools I’ve learned – including Feng Shui, Tarot, Numerology and my intuition – to provide clarity when there is confusion for myself and others. I am continually learning new methods of accessing my intuition and I love sharing these modalities with everyone. My clients have a noticeable shift in the flow of their life after a session or two.

It  is my life's purpose to share the gifts I have been blessed with to help others reduce the stress and overwhelm in their lives.