Soul Sister Coaching

Soul Sister Coaching

Don't walk alone anymore ...

Feel the shift when you are held... and guided.

Noticeable changes happen when you are listened to deeply and you allow yourself to receive loving support.

Sometimes you need someone who can help you see the bigger picture. Someone who will just listen to you and then guide you to solutions. Coaching can be many things. You may just have one issue you want to focus on. Perhaps you want assistance with many things or want to go deeper. Choose a package or contact me for a custom plan.

Transform yourself and the energy of your home and create magic in your life.

The good news is the solution may be simpler than you think!

Achieving balance and clarity in your space will help you feel better and life will begin to flow with ease.

Coaching offers


Do you want to try out this coaching thing? Is there a specific situation you just would like to receive guidance on? GUIDE gives you the opportunity to see how Soul Coaching works.

  • 60 minute video call or in person session.
  • Discuss one specific topic that you want guidance on.
  • I will use my intuition and other tools (such as tarot) as they come up.
  • Pricing $99


Would you need help balancing your life around the kids, partner and career? Maybe you are dealing with a challenge that requires more focus. The INSPIRE package will help you find your center and learn how to manage your life with greater ease.

  • 4 – 60 minute video calls or in person. sessions over 4-6 weeks
  • We will dig into the top issues you are struggling with.
  • I will use my intuition and other tools (such as tarot) as they come up.
  • You may be given homework
    Unlimited email and Voxer messaging  during the work week for 6 weeks.
  • Pricing $333


Do you need a more intensive way to work with your energy? This package digs deep into your priority issues AND incorporates Feng Shui work to support your soul work. If you choose the FLOURISH package you will receive:

  • 1- 90 minute in person or video call and 7-60 minute sessions over 8-12 weeks.
  • We will start and end with a 9 card Bagua Tarot Reading and energy clearing.
  • You will have to measure your main floor and sketch the floor plan and provide to me ahead of time.
  • We will lay the Bagua Map over your home and understand which area is which.
  • We will then work through your entire main floor through these sessions and apply the Feng Shui principles to improve your homes chi.
  • You will be given homework to do in between calls.
  • You will identify the top 2 or 3 areas of your life to for soul coaching.
  • Unlimited email and Voxer messaging during the work week for 12 weeks.
  • Pricing $1111

Customize your own Soul Coaching package. Book a Clarity Call to discuss what I can do for you.